Kiejtés: [bɹˈʌʃɪŋ]
- tisztítás
Brushing jelentése magyarul, példamondattal:
- Are you brushing your teeth properly? → Mosod rendesen a fogadat?
- Mary looked into the mirror while she was brushing her hair. → Maria a tükörbe nézett, mialatt a haját fésülte.
- Tom enjoyed his trip to France much more because he had spent the summer brushing up his French. → Tomi sokkal jobban élvezte a francia utat, mivel a nyáron felfrissítette a francia nyelvtudását.
- Why are you brushing your hair? → Miért fésülöd a hajad?
- He's already brushing his teeth on his own. → Már egyedül mos fogat.
Forrás: freedictionary